
Other worthy contributions to the First Nations people and Cape York communities include:

  • CAPE YORK DIGITAL NETWORK first rolled out broadband services in 2001 to Cape York Peninsula and its remote regions and today it is still the principal information technology provider to commercial businesses and private users on Cape York that elivers modern and fast telecommunication services.  Its rollout provided employment, training and new career pathways for many Indigenous people in Cape York township of Weipa, Pormpuraaw, Aurukun, Coen, Cooktown, Mapoon, Wujul Wujul, Lockhart, Napranum, Umagico, Injinoo,  Hope Vale as well as in Cairns.
  • COEN GUESTHOUSE was acquired in 2010 to assist with Indigenous enterprise development and offer hospitality skills training. Since then we continued to grow the motel business and has trained many locals in hospitality service.  Today the Guesthouse is among the most successful Indigenous managed motel in Coen in Cape York.
  • TURTLE AND DUGONG PROTECTION was successfully coordinated and managed by Balkanu to bring together Traditional Elders from all over Cape York to agree on a regional plan that aims providing a strategic direction for sustainable management and conservation of turtle and dugong on Cape York. Research, data collation, training and workshops conducted to draw up a first Cape York Turtle and Dugong Regional Plan which was submitted to the Government for approval and support.
  • The DREAMING TRACK tourism project plan is to develop world class walking trails starting from Daintree in the south, extending to the most northern tip of Cape York Peninsula. Eco-tourism and other small-scale Indigenous-owned enterprises will be established alongside the trail to provide tourists spectacular Indigenous cultural offerings. The first stage of its development is the Gamaay project will provide a robust commercial platform for Indigenous clans to participate in the tourism economy and generate wealth and improve their well-being.


Balkanu supports all projects through the a robust team that provides fundamental management support in administration, finance, internet technology,  human resources, marketing, governance as well as advice on policies and legislation such as workplace health safety rules,  Australian legislative compliances on financials, employment and reporting.  Critical to our success in the  delivery of all the Government funded programs is that Balkanu core operation is able to provide the professional management and operational support for greater efficiencies in service delivery; leveraging support from other stakeholders to collaborate and form partnerships for favourable achievements in our project management.

Our core capabilities are:

  • Aboriginal & Indigenous cultural heritage support
  • Business advisory and consultancy
  • Business development and marketing
  • Caring for Country management
  • Community development partnerships
  • Native Title and Land Tenure
  • Project management from concept to completion
  • Project facilitation, negotiation and finance and administrative management

The small team at Balkanu works with clients to understand their goals, evaluate their needs so that  the best methodologies or expertise can be applied to achieve the best outcomes in any given project.  Over the years Balkanu has helped with

  • Promotion economic development such as with Cattle enterprises, meat and crop produce for local consumption, supported arts and crafts projects, work with local and construction using local timber and materials, resource development and joint ventures between land owners, communities and outside developers.
  • Native Title and Indigenous Land Rights, Propriety issues as well as Land purchases, world heritage listing, cultural heritage protection.
  • Provision of support to Traditional Owners in the management of their land and sea countries in consultation with the Land Council on legal and environmental issues, development of appropriate joint management arrangements with the Government, natural resource management agencies.
  • Sourcing project funding to initiate beneficial community projects, and seeking collaborative support from regional organisations and professional experts.
  • Financial Management assistance in meeting accountability requirements of governing bodies and Australian company regulations, including organising training programs to help our client improve their financial management skills.
  • Construction of remote housing/outstations and road access through collaboration with community-based organisations, councils and service providers to assist traditional land owners move into their own country and to look after their land.
  • Promotion and preservation of Aboriginal culture and heritage through arts, craft, music and language
  • Sponsoring and facilitation of projects from conception to completion.

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